
The APPGM-SDG Multi-stakeholders Conversation: Building Local Economy in Urban Areas

On 29 April 2020, Segi Enam Advisors attended a Zoom talk on using the local economy as platform to support vulnerable communities in the urban areas, namely the B40 and migrants. Hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia-Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG), the talk highlighted the socio-economic issues faced by the two groups, with many of these problems aggravated by the spread of the coronavirus. It also explored the possibilities on how to cushion the blow the virus has had on the livelihoods of the B40 and migrants as well as the steps to stimulate the economy once the pandemic is over.

Several interesting points that stood out during the talk are as follows:

  1. Low-cost flats intended to house the urban poor community should fulfil the social needs and livelihood of its residents, i.e. well-equipped facilities and reasonable distance from cities and townships where most residents are employed.

  2. A community of “new poor” has emerged, i.e. individuals who have fallen into poverty due to a loss of income during the Movement Control Order (MCO) but were not qualified for financial aid prior to that loss of income.

  3. The possibility of using the One Tambun One Product (OTOP) model implemented in Thailand, a local entrepreneurship stimulus programme supporting unique locally made and marketed products within each tambon (sub-district) across the country.