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Khaw family in Thailand

Discovering some grand distant and past relatives. Had the first inkling on some past sugar barons on Province Wellesley; /khoryuleng/2014/03/early-c19th-sugar-cultivation-in.html and then mentioned it to some friends in academia. See below.

7 April 2014: I checked with Michael Montesano, expert on Thailand. A remarkable coincidence. He is working on a book project that addresses the place of the Khaw family in Thai historiography. They are linked to the Wellesley sugar barons and also to the current Thai finance minister, Kittiratt Na-Ranong.

6 April 2014: I was chatting with Tony Milner about this little history snippet, and he thought of a famous Khaw family in that part of the world. Are they related? Here's some links courtesy of Tony: