Khor Reports

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Interview - Strengthen Labour Rights, Cut the Red Tape for Foreign Workers

BFM interviewed Segi Enam’s Khor Yu Leng for her perspective and policy prescription on strengthening labour rights and reducing bureaucracy for foreign workers.

Some of the questions asked were:

  • What were the main obstacles to the movement of foreign labour this year? To what extent were these obstacles caused by internal rather than external factors?

  • How prevalent are the issues caused by unscrupulous middlemen?

  • How can we simplify the process of applying for foreign labour?

  • Would any misalignment be caused by the lack of coordination by the agencies involved?

  • How the foreign labour shortage will impact the various sectors in Malaysia?

  • There are calls for various industries to reduce reliance on foreign labour. How can we do so?

  • What policy recommendations would you give to the new government?

Listen to her answers here.